
Mt. Sina

Arrive in St Catherine town first then take road off Esab3eya which ends and continue off roading in Wadi Esba3eya till you reach location mentioned in Description below. Or renting a 4x4 taxi from the Bedouin camp at St.Catherine
Method to Get There
4x4 advised
+20 11 36 22 225 or info@sheikhsina.com
Cost Per Night
Single room 50 le, Double room 80 le, Triple room 120 le, Camping area 20 le per person.

Breakfast 20 le

Lunch 25 le

Dinner 40 le

Hiking guides are 100 le for easy-intermediate hikes such as Gabal Mousa and Wadi el arbe3en and 180 le for harder routes such as Gabal St.Catherine.

4x4 Taxi from the Bedouin camp is 50 le for a one way trip. Ask Mohamed in reservations to arrange for your transportation if you do not have a 4x4. You can leave your sedan in front of the Bedouin camp.

How to Plan Food for Trips

Submitted by Molta on Thu, 2010/01/21 - 11:28am

Even if you're not a big fan of food, planning of meals and quantities of food and water and beverages, and how to carry them remains an essential skill which can make your trip much fun, or put you and your friends at the risk of food severe shortage that may indeed cause you to cancel trip.


Lying in the middle of the Greater Caucasus mountains chain, among which is Mount Elbrus (highest mountain in Europe and a dormant volcano for the past 2,000 years), Nalchik stands out as the highest mountain in the chain, at an altitude estimated to be over 500 meters, with its west summit; Mt. Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe, standing at 5,642 metres. The city seems to be relatively quiet, even though it is close to the troubled border line between Russia and Georgia.


Safaris Plans Ideas

Submitted by Mabrouk on Mon, 2008/03/24 - 6:43pm

The following are just the labels of some destinations or scenic routes. For details search the archives of SaharaSafaris Forum or throw a question there.

4x4ing (1-day)

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