El-Shella Endless Benefits!

First written by mmyforever and 0 others, on Sat, 2000/11/25 - 12:53am, and has been viewed by unique users

Dear el-shellawaya,

Alsalam alaykom. I was so impressed when I viewed Mr. Mohamad El-Nadi's message providing a link to Emsakayet Ramadan. Every day I discover some of the endless benefits of this wonderful group. It seems like that every member thinks of his/her fellow-shellawaya whenever coming accross any useful or interesting thing! Great!

How I feel so bad about not being useful to such a group especially that you listed how we can make full use of the Shella, but never how to be useful to it! Maybe 'cause I'm not experienced enough and my skills still need to be sharpened. Anyway,I'll work on that.

Thanks for every thing! And happy Ramadan.

**Comment From The Moderators**
Thank you very much Yasmeen for your "True Shella Spirit" of thinking first of how to GIVE before how to TAKE :) you can be useful by sharing your thoughts, expertise, contacts, and suggestions with your fellow Shellaweyya, please refer to el-shella site http://www.el-shella.com for examples in the testimonials under the Press & Media section, we will look forward to welcoming you and the family to Shella activities around the world, and Ramadan Kareem to all.
Sahar & Mohamed El-Nadi, El-Shella.com Founders & Moderators


Dear all shellawaya,

Dear Sahar & Mohamed El-Nadi.

I have been member in El-Shella community since around 3 month now, at first when I receive your email asking me to join El-Shella I thought its something like the rest of the junk mail any person dealing within the net receives every day, but I said lets proceed and register and see what happened, so I start to receive mails from different members, with the very interesting discussions, reading these discussions really made most of my days.

I'm taking this opportunity of the holy month of Ramadan to wish you both and all shellawaya everywhere a happy and blessed Ramadan.

Thanks again Sahar & Mohamed
Regards to all,

Mohamed Mubarak
Projects Manager - Two way Radio

**Comment From The Moderators**
Thank you very much Mohamed for your sweet email, and we wish you and the rest of El-Shellaweyya an enjoyable Shella life always :)

Mon, 2000/11/27 - 11:10am Permalink