Re: [el-shella] Advice on Driving in Egypt

First written by mzahra and 0 others, on Sun, 2000/12/31 - 1:25pm, and has been viewed by unique users

Dear Dalia,

It is nice you are visiting Egypt so soon, I wish I could get a chance as well, I already miss my family and friends.. Well, I wish you all the best, and hope you do enjoy your time over there..

And if you really want to enjoy your time there, and to spend a reall peaceful time away from trouble, PLEASE SKIP THE IDEA OF DRIVING IN EGYPT :o)

I was actually gonna ask you where you got your driving license from, and then compare the drivers' attitude versus Egyptian Drivers'. and I concluded that no matter where your license came from, it will be a mess trying to manage to drive in Egypt, where the traffic law you should follow is the law of the jungle, the strong (busses & military / police vehicles) conquers / Eats / steps over the weak (anyone whose got no connections). Think twice, if you are there for a short vecation, then dont waste your time in the stress of the streets. if you plan to live there for good.. well.. I wish you all the luck, and may God bless your INNOCENT SOUL..

take care..
Mostafa :o)