Amplify Dandora Project

First written by feeroz and 0 others, on Tue, 2013/12/24 - 11:18am, and has been viewed by unique users

Dear friends,
I am writing to let you know about a great project which will be taking place in the new year. If you are thinking about getting involved in something for your new years resolution or if you would like to donate to a worthy cause either for yourself or as a present for a loved one (yes its still not too late!!!) check out the leaflet attached.

Project - Dandora, Kenya

For ten days in April 2014, youth participants from Dandora will work alongside youth workers and PV professionals to create videos exploring education and rights issues in the slum. The research from Amplify Dandora will be freely available to all organisations interested in slum education projects and especially to the SWY Tupendane International Project.


Make sure you take a look at our facebook page as well for more details ! Have. Great festive holiday and keep the swy spirit flowing!

Mark F Syed SWY 10

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