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Starting in the 1990s and officially since 2001, we have founded this website in 2007 to keep our knowledge that we have collected over the decades from around the world.
Founded by Mohamed Mabrouk, we are a community of intellectually-motivated and like-minded adventurers from all sorts of professional backgrounds. We travel a lot and have had impressive speakers about this world. This club is not for profit and encourages discplined leadership in all adventure sports and exploration hobbies.




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Egyptian Geographical Society

Egyptian Geographical Society

I had never come across the “Egyptian Geographic Society” before yesterday. It was mentioned to me by passing by someone who discovered my newfound interest in Sinai and rightly recommended I look it up to further my knowledge. Back home, I googled this Organization. And it is with great pride and nostalgia to discover through their official website that this Egyptian Non-Governmental Organization established in the late 19th century where it started as and is still a pioneer in its field.



West bank- Dada'iyya - Luxor
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+20 123 251 307 contact@moudira.com
Cost Per Night
DBL room 170 euro/night , junior suite 220 euro/night, luxury suite 290 euro/night (all BB)

1940s Cairo's architecture mixed with domes Hassan Fathi's style. Decoration is following more the 1940s Cairene style with some fantastic drawings and themes.

Al Quseir Hotel

Al Quseir Hotel

sharia port said, Quseir kornish, red sea coast
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
Cost Per Night
(BB) Double - Sea View (airconditioned) 198 EGP, Double - Sea View (fan only) 168 EGP, Double - Street View (fan only) 138 EGP

This place is amazing. A guest-house styled lodge. It is a rennovated 1920's merchant's house right on the water front with only 6 rooms. Shared bathrooms but very clean. The sea-front rooms have amazing views.


Quotations from TripAdvistor (2014 Dec):

Badawiya Farafra

Badawiya Farafra

Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
Cost Per Night

They have also Badawiya lodge in Dakhla oasis

And they run also a NGO


Mt. Sina

Mt. Sina

Arrive in St Catherine town first then take road off Esab3eya which ends and continue off roading in Wadi Esba3eya till you reach location mentioned in Description below. Or renting a 4x4 taxi from the Bedouin camp at St.Catherine
Method to Get There
4x4 advised
+20 11 36 22 225 or info@sheikhsina.com
Cost Per Night
Single room 50 le, Double room 80 le, Triple room 120 le, Camping area 20 le per person.

Breakfast 20 le

Lunch 25 le

Dinner 40 le

Hiking guides are 100 le for easy-intermediate hikes such as Gabal Mousa and Wadi el arbe3en and 180 le for harder routes such as Gabal St.Catherine.

4x4 Taxi from the Bedouin camp is 50 le for a one way trip. Ask Mohamed in reservations to arrange for your transportation if you do not have a 4x4. You can leave your sedan in front of the Bedouin camp.

Eskaleh - Traditional Nubian House

Eskaleh - Traditional Nubian House

Abu Simbel
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
Fikry El Kashef 0123680521. +20 97 340 12 88, +20 12 368 05 21. info@eskaleh.net
Cost Per Night
BB 55 Euro for a Double Room + Dinner 80 LE

A lovely traditional Nubian House that overlooks Lake Nasser, managed by Mr.Fekry El Kashef. 

Very friendly Staff and intellectual owner that has a lot of stories to tell about the Nubian people & culture. And of course great Nubian music.



Wadi Gharba, Sheikh Awaad. South Sinai. Egypt. Or go to: http://maps.google.com/?ll=28.649752,33.896732
Method to Get There
4x4 advised
Sheikh Jamil Atteya 01001324693
Cost Per Night
EGP 120 per person including 3 meals

"After about half an hour of driving on-road then another half off-road from St Catherine's city, all worries all concerns all wants seemed distant. Now I am parking the car in elTarfa oasis where the Bedouin Taxi Jeep was waiting to get me offroading across the mountains to reach this isolated Bedouin resort with my friends. No sea nor beaches. Just the Sinai wild footpaths zigzagging between the mountains with their wild beauty to lose ourselves into with the guides from the tribe of the Bedouin manager Jameel Atteya. The Egyptian mountains seemed unreal. This is all new to me."


That's what a friend once wrote me about his experience when he first went there. AlKarm is the name of the Mountain Ecolodge in Sinai and is managed and owned by Jebaleya tribesman Jameel Atteya

Zad elMosafer

Zad elMosafer

Tunis village, Fayoum
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+20 100 639 5590 or +20 84 6820180
Cost Per Night

Ain elHamra

Ain elHamra

Wadi elNatron
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+20 2 33053081, +20 10 6605060, +20 12 7019489 info@elhammraeco-lodge.com
Cost Per Night
275 egp/person in full board (?)

Zelal elNakhil

Zelal elNakhil

Tunis village, Fayoum
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+20 122 287 7238. Mrs Nehad (owner)
Cost Per Night
egp350 per Chalet flat, egp1000 for villa (7 beds in 3 bedrooms and a reception)

Al Tarfa Luxury Ecolodge & Spa

Al Tarfa Luxury Ecolodge & Spa

Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
Contact altarfalodge@gmail.com for further details or call +2 0100 100 1109
Cost Per Night
DBL Superior Room at EUR 220. SGL Superior Room at EUR 360. Call for special offers in seasons or for groups

The most internationally award-winning lodge in Egypt. Expensive in taste and located in the furthest oasis of Western Desert and closest to elGilf elKabir with nearby airport.

Perhaps this is the most popular 'ecolodge' for Hollywood stars, European royalties and internationally recognized personalities looking for a secluded sanctuary that's both in the middle of great cultural and natural heritage furthest from sophisticated civilisation but with internationally appreciated taste for good service and accessibility.



24 km north of Nuweiba, 42 km south of Taba. N 29.20706 / E 034.73523 (+29° 12' 25.4", +34° 44' 06.8")
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
Phone 0020 69 3500480 Phone 0020 69 3500481 email basata@basata.com
Cost Per Night
CAMPING AREA: 12 EUR / night/ person --- HUT: 20 EUR / night / person --- SINGLE: 23 EUR / night / person ---- CHALET: 80 EUR/ night for up to 3 persons. 20 EUR/ night/ extra person

Basata is simply the first ecolodge in Egypt with true credentials for the 'eco' label. It's the most famous of this category in Egypt for Egyptians and international travellers alike with its own special beach and very immersive community experience. 


PRICES (captured 2014-11-22 from website)

Prices for residents in Egypt are different from travellers with no-residence visa in Egypt. Also, there are special prices for single-women.

For Foreigners with no residence in Egypt 

Camping area

New Hermopolis

New Hermopolis

New Hermopolis from Cairo - Asyut desert road (exit Mallawi and then direction Tuna El Gebel antiquities (total distance 320 KM from Cairo). N27° 43' 6.68'', E30° 42' 2.05''
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
founder Dr Mervat Nasser directly at: mervatnasser@newhermopolis.org or mervatnasser@aol.com
Cost Per Night

Desert Rose

Kamariat Resort - El Mandara


Adrere Amellal

Adrere Amellal

Siwa Lake
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+202 2736 7879
Cost Per Night

One of the first ever private ecolodges in Egypt built in Siwa to express the beauty of nature with no electricity and with all the possible grandiose of Siwan native architecture.


It's a very expensive place but the level of details in architecture and service is royal.

Western Desert Hotel

Western Desert Hotel

Bawiti - Bahariya Oases - Giza - Egypt
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+2 (02) 3847 1600 +2 (012) 24336015 - 01223012155 - 01228153487 - info@westerndeserthotel.com - westerndeserthotel@hotmail.com
Cost Per Night

A very convenient located lodge for the tired traveller going through El Bahariya oasis. However, this is a very unimaginative location. Just a normal building overlooking a part of the 'downtown' of Bawiti and which is not really set to be a good scene.

El Baben Shal

El Baben Shal

Shali, Siwa
Method to Get There
Road (excellent track for normal cars)
+20-46-4601-499, +20-46-4602-299
Cost Per Night

Owned by the same owner of Adrere Amellal and Kenouz lodges; Mounir Neamatallah.

El baben shal is a luxurious expensive lodge, built on the same hill of the old town of shaly. And as you can see some rooms have the hill as one of its walls!

Excellent food and service and a very nice terrace overlooking the archaic town of shali.



Organic Shop





Siwa is an oasis lying to the West of the Nile Valley. Siwa has very strong historical and cultural ties to the Nile Valley to the extent that Alexander the Great may have had it as the first thing he visited in Egypt upon conquering it.Today, Siwa offers for native Egyptians -along with Sinai Mountains and beaches- some of the most interesting visiting places after the Nile Valley countryside. In this collaborative article, Siwa's culture, geography as well as all logistical details will be explained for the most intellectual explorers by the Community of SaharaSafaris.



Although seemingly small, Lebanon is one of the most diversified countries of the Arab world: geographically, ethnically, as well as culturally. Tourists tend to skim through it superficially, but it much more could be explored.

Faransa Street

Faransa Street

Faransa, it is the Arabic pronunciation for France, the country.

Aged more than two decades, Faransa Street (Arabic: شارع فرنسا) still enjoys its vitality and overcrowding aspect. Jewelers, cloths, various home necessities (Chinese production)… Over hundreds of products can be found in that Street and its ramifications. One of those is Zaneet Elsettat "زنقة الستات".

Wekalet El-Balah

Wekalet El-Balah

"Ta3ala bos, be 7'amsa we nos" or "come and see, costs 5.5 pounds"...Once you enter that "souk" or "Dates market, you start hearing sellers "advertising" for their goods in their own rhythm! What is the story of this market and how did it get that name and how does it look like?



At the end of the Nile’s long journey through Africa, where it finally meets the Mediterranean, lies Rashid*. Just north of that town, standing where the world’s longest river comes to an end, one is at the heart of a profound geo-historic experience. At the town itself, particularly if visited in winter, the historic aspect of the experience takes on a cultural dimension.




Cairo is the largest city in Africa and the Middle East and one of the largest and oldest in Human history. Its richness defies imagination from ancient Pyramids to ultra modern Hotels and residences complex. Its culture is one of the most cosmopolitan in history amalgamating elements from ancient Egyptian era to the time of American super-power and post 2011 revolution.

Dakhla Oasis

ElMoez Lidinillah Street

ElMoez Lidinillah Street

Would you like to go on a journey in the past that could slide hundreds of years back in one trip?  See buildings jump from an era to era, observe them and even live in them? History makers and Owners of those buildings from every era invite you to examine their homes & business and giving you chance to whiteness their glory days and taste their way of living charm as a bonus.



Sakkara (Arabic: سقارة) is a very rich area comprising a good number of Pharonic monuments. It's located in Giza, Egypt , next to the great Giza pyramids. Sakkara includes 11 pyramids , no other place in Egypt has such number of pyramids situated in one single area. It's uniqueness however is not just ralted to having an exceptional number of pyramids, for it has also got many mastabas and tombs, of both noblemen and workers, that have been discovered on different expedition missions. Egyptologists are said to be expecting the discovery of more tombs in the area.



Meaning gold in arabic Dahab is one of the major diving towns of the Red Sea, and Sinai. It's a resort town for tourists and travelers on a budget in comparison to Sharm which is loaded with Class A tourists paying for luxurious facilities.

How to get there:

Dahab has no airport which probably because it's too close to an over crowded Sharm airport. You reach it only by road.

Mt Kilimanjaro

Mt Kilimanjaro

Single highest standing mountain in the world is the highest in Africa. Because of such long trek up, one passes by several climates from equatorial at the bttom to alpine desert at the ice-capped summit.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to Kilimanjaro.




There's no doubt that Upper Egypt is a distinct part of Egypt. Al Minia is one of the northern-most of all. Al Minia is called by some to be The Bride of Upper Egypt.



TELL- El-AMARNA (Arabic: تل العمارنة)
Access: By road or rail to Deir-Mawas, 11 K.M south of Mallawi; then by car
to the ferry crossing to the eastern bank of the Nile.

Beni Hassan

Beni Hassan

This article covers all the south-eastern area of Minia. 

Beni Hassan (Arabic: بنى حسن) - Istable Antar (Arabic: اسطبل عنتر) - Zawyet el Soltan (Arabic: زاوية السلطان)- El Sheikh Ebada (Arabic: الشيخ عبادة). Almost 25 kms south east of minia so u have to cross the big bridge to the east bank and then go south

Kharga Oasis

Kharga Oasis

As the closest of the oases to the Nile Valley, Al-Kharga used to have the unenviable role as a place of banishment for mischievous Nile Valley citizens. Its remote location, punishing summer heat and destructive winds mean the oasis was synonymous with misery and exile. It may seem strange then that its chief town, Al-Kharga, was chosen as the capital of the New Valley Governorate in the 1950s.



One of the largest Capital cities of West Europe. It's museums, business district and buzzing downtown shows the remains of one of the largest empires humans ever had. London with its larger extent (Greater London) is the most populous city in EU at 2006 estimated at 7.5 millions in about 1500 Sq Km (as per Office for National Statistics).

New York

New York

New York City is the largest city in the State of New York and perhaps in all of USA. To understand its areas, we may consider that the State of NY (New York) is similar to the Governorate of Menya in Egypt which is divided to Qisms inside City of Menya (Arabic: أقسام أو أحياء) and surrounded by Markazes (Arabic: مراكز) outside the City. State of NY is divided to "counties" inside and outside the City of New York.

Each county may have one or more Cities like New York (but rarely on the same size). Because it is huge, NYC (abbreviation to New York City) is in fact made



A beautiful point on earth where the north meets the south and west meets the east. A beautiful peace of earth, you feel the magic of the place as soon as you step down on its land.

That place has its own unique culture, very tourist friendly, especially to Egyptians. Dare you speak in Egyptian dialect, you will never be left alone. Being offered home stays for free, dinners, free tours, all kind of advice any tourist would ever dream of.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Due to the fact of its being geographically large and extremely scattered, Los Angeles is sometimes accused of not being a city: "I think it is very wrong to call Los Angeles a 'city of many centers' - I only wish it was"



The capital and largest city in Italy, Rome is one of the most important cities in the world in terms of history and culture, as it was at the heart of the Roman Empire, plus being one of the most important renaissance cities. There are so many places to visit, restaurants to indulge in, and beautiful sceneries.
Famous Piazzas:



A country that has once led the economic, political, human and intellectual advancement of Europe still has much to offer.

France’s political and economical capital is the city of Paris and it’s also the largest in population and its language is French which is based on Latin of the Roman Empire. 



Paris is the Capital of France and the largest of its cities (communes in France). Paris is also the capital city of the Region Île-de-France (a.k.a. Région Parisienne (the Paris Region)).



Laid back country to relax and ease your mind.

Quick facts:

Visa: 30 days on arrival for 30 USD

Time zone: GMT +7

Location, Boarders: South-East Asia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China

Capital: Vientiane

Language: Lao, English and French are widely spoken in touristic areas

Religion: Buddhists

Currency: Lao Kip, 1USD = 8030kip



Land of the Angkor Wat and the Khmer empire, it suffered from a horrific past (during Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot’s era) but

it is regaining its consciousness and becoming one of the must visit destinations in the world.

Quick facts:

Visa: 30 days on arrival for 30 USD

Time zone: GMT +7

Location, Boarders: South-East Asia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam

Capital: Phnom Penh

Language: Khmer



The cleanest city in the world, Singapore developed from being just a port in a British colony to become one of the world’s most metropolitan cities.

Quick facts:

Visa: apply at the country of residence. (needs some paperwork)

Time zone: GMT +8

Location, Boarders: South-East Asia, Malaysia & Indonesia

Capital: Singapore

Language: English, Mandarin, Malay & Tamil



The most famous destination for backpackers in South-East Asia.

Quick facts:

Visa: free of charge but you have to apply from country of residence, gives you 2 months from the arrival date

Time zone: GMT +7

Location, Boarders: South-East Asia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia

Capital: Bangkok

Language: Thai language

Religion: Buddhists, significant Muslim minorities in the south



"The best unspoiled travel destinations in the world" this is what the National Geographic Magazine has named the fjords; the deep saltwater along the narrow western inlet coast of Norway with steep sides, which is often formed by glacial actions, it is also featured on the UNESCO World Heritage list and considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of Nature.
Fjords of Norway 




The Oasis of Baharia is the closest to Cairo and largest of all Western Desert oases in Egypt (Arabic: el-Wa7at el-Baharia الواحات البحرية).

Along with Siwa Oasis, elBaharia is the capital of Safari services providers to Western Desert and is considered the last station of Gas and Food and Water rations before most medium-ranged safaris to the Sahara.

Ghoroud Samuel

Ghoroud Samuel

Ghoroud Samuel is an area of land in the Egyptian Western desert (part of the North African Sahara) which is mostly covered by sand dunes (Arabic: ghoroud or غرود) between lakes and mountains and offer some of the most diversified field of dunes types that's close for Cairo and fit for a single day trip for offroading clubs.

We will try in this article to describe the entire geography of this beautiful sand dune area exploding with things for adventurers, cultural explorers, naturalists, spiritualists, and campers.

غرود صمويل

غرود صمويل

"غرود صمويل" (بالانجليزى Ghoroud Samuel) هى مساحة من الأرض في الصحراء الغربية المصرية (جزء من الصحراء الكبرى شمال إفريقيا) والتى يكسو بعض أجزاء منها غرود (كثبان رملية) بين البحيرات والجبال. المنطقة تعد من أكثر المناطق تنوعا فى أنواع الغرود كما انها قريبة إلى القاهرة وتصلح لرحلة يوم واحد لأندية سيارات الوعر (الوعر= كلمة أوفرودينج 4×4 بالعربى).